Kamberg And The Bushmans
[caption id="attachment_558" align="aligncenter" width="900"] Warren Prior Fly Fishing Kamberg At Sunset[/caption] Another long weekend and another trip to the Berg to dominate some wild browns and rainbows. Sadly my last minute booking meant Kamberg was he only venue available and I was forced to head there for the umpteenth time, which isn’t really a bad thing. [caption id="attachment_559" align="alignleft" width="300"] Fly Fishing The Bushmans River[/caption] Friends of ours were staying at Giants Castle (yes, I was jealous) so Sharon and I headed for the Bushman’s River to kick the weekend off. We left just after 5am and were on the river by 8am ready to hunt down a few wild browns. Thanks to the recent snow falls and heavy rains the river was high, but definitely fishable. Things started off…