Taking New Divers Out at Clifton

Taking New Divers Out at Clifton

A military ship silhouetted by a glorious Clifton Gardens sunrise One of the most common questions I get during Open Water courses is how they can get back into the water. And in my opinion, the best and easiest way is to join one of Frog Dive's free weekend shore dives. They're led by qualified divemasters, cost nothing other than equipment hire, and take place in stunning locations like Shelly Beach. And not only that, there's always a great group of divers, and great conversation afterwards around soup and other snacks. The only problem is that they're often booked out well in advanced. So to try and solve that, we decided to start hosting beginner only shore dives, with the first one taking place at Clifton Gardens. I arrived at…
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A Blooming Good Adventure

A Blooming Good Adventure

This weekend I had the pleasure of taking a few out of town workmates for a quick dive at Shelly Beach. Sharon also got to join thanks to granny having finally arrived from South Africa, meaning we now have a free babysitting service. Sharon and I picked up my colleagues from the ferry terminal bright and early, knowing that parking at Shelly is always an issue. Early starts are rarely wasted, and we got to enjoy a cracker of a sunset which set the tone for the dive. We waded into the water at 8am, and did a quick weight check for those who were renting gear and hadn't been out in a while. And then we descended and headed off on our dive. The visibility was descent at first,…
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A Dive Duathlon

A Dive Duathlon

After Mike's first dive at Clifton Gardens he was itching to get back into the water. And so, early on Sunday morning,I picked him up at the Manly Ferry terminal and we headed down to Shelly Beach. Much to our dismay, they were setting up for some form of event, and we were unable to find parking. Finally giving up, I left Mike at the benches with our dive gear, and drove into Manly hoping to find parking. This left me with a 1km run, in thongs, to get back to the dive site. When I finally got back, huffing, red faced and ready to jump into the water, Mike was waiting patiently, partially kitted up. We finished setting up the gear, and headed out on the right hand side,…
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Diving Manta Bommie and Shag Rock with Manta Lodge – A Video

Diving Manta Bommie and Shag Rock with Manta Lodge – A Video

Diving, Video
https://youtu.be/HjwFnvunkZE Check out some of the underwater fun we had exploring the incredible dive sites of North Stradbroke Island with the amazing Manta Lodge team. On the day we dived Manta Bommie and Shag Rock. Manta Bommie is a renowned hotspot for marine life, and it lived up to its name as we were greeted by the majestic sight of gliding manta rays (and a little current). Shag Rock was equally as amazing, and we got to enjoy a more relaxed dive with some of the smaller critters. Between the two dive sites we saw everything from graceful manta rays and lazy leopard sharks to vibrant mantis shrimp and imposing moray eels. There were sneaky octopus, friendly clownfish, guitarfish, bull rays, wobbegongs, and the ever humorous prickly porcupinefish.
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Taking Someone For Their First Dive

Taking Someone For Their First Dive

The other day I had the privilege of taking someone on their first ever dive after completing their open water training. We opted to head down to Clifton Gardens as they'd done one of their training dives there, and had absolutely loved the site. We arrived arrived at Clifton Gardens just after 3pm and got straight down to kitting up. It was surprisingly quiet for a warm summer's afternoon, but I certainly wasn't complaining. Walking along the wharf, the water looked decently clear from the surface, which was more good news for us. We did a giant stride off the wharf, and did a quick buoyancy check before descending to the bottom. Being with a first timer, we spent the first couple of minutes getting comfortable, and then headed off…
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Shelley Beach Showing Off (Diving as Minnie Mouse)

Shelley Beach Showing Off (Diving as Minnie Mouse)

Seeing as we had the day off, and the kids were at school, Sharon and I decided to head down to Shelly Beach for a quick dive and to test out some new gear. On route, we stopped in at Frog Dive to fill our tanks and pick up Sharon's "new" regs. And somehow, while I was loading the tanks into the car, Sharon ended up borrowing a Minnie Mouse hood in case the water was chilly. Sydney was expecting a huge rain bomb to pass through in the upcoming days, and some of that rain was already starting to hit us, so we wanted to make hay while the sun shines. We parked near the Fairy Bower pool and kitted up on the side of the road. The air…
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Underwater Cleanup at Clifton Gardens

Underwater Cleanup at Clifton Gardens

Diving, Event
One of the things I've learned (or finally got to witness) as a diver is that a large percentage of our waste ends up in our oceans, which damages both the fauna and flora. However, despite how large this problem is, even the smallest of gestures can help. If not us, then who? So on Sunday morning I headed down to Chowder Bay where I met up with the Frog Dive crew to clean up the area under the Clifton Gardens wharf. Clifton Gardens is one of New South Wales premiere muck diving sites, with incredible macro photography on offer for those willing to put their eyes to the test. We split up into buddy pairs, and allocated areas to clean. My buddy and I focused on the area inside…
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North Straddie Diving – May 2022

North Straddie Diving – May 2022

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=57CX_MSQQqQ After all the bad weather for the start of this year, along with floods, I have been given an awesome opportunity to be a certified dive guide for Manta Lodge and Scuba. He's a few clips of the past week's dives. Spots include Turtle Caves, The Nursery, Manta Bommie and Shag Rock.
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A Sneaky Dive at Shelly Beach

A Sneaky Dive at Shelly Beach

With Kerry out from Perth, what else would we do other than go for a sneaky dive. The initial plan was to dive with Kerry, but sadly she wasn't able to do her refresher in time so Sharon stepped in to fill her shoes (fins). We packed up the family early on Sunday morning and headed down to Bare Island to join Frog Dive for a shore dive. Despite it being a beautiful day, water conditions were still far from ideal. In fact, a quick chat with the dive master confirmed that we shouldn't expect more than 3 meters of vis. We therefore made a last minute decision to change venues and headed north to Shelly Beach, where we knew visibility was likely between 5 and 10 meters. Bare Island…
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We Found Secret Vis!

We Found Secret Vis!

After months of no diving in Sydney, courtesy of La NiƱa induced flooding and near zero vis, Sharon and I finally managed to get back into the water. As per usual, we met the Frog Dive crew at the Mosman Rowing Club just after 7am, and kitted up in the carpark while getting to know our fellow divers for the day. At 8am we climbed onto the boat and began the trip to North Head, while receiving our safety briefing. Our first dive was at Rock Fall, and it was an interesting experience to say the least. The 6 of us met on the surface, and then descended in what turned out to be a shocking 2 meters (if that) of visibility. By the time we reached the bottom, we'd…
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